Austrian Journal of Statistics

Austrian Statistical Society

Volume 40 2011 Number 4

Cover Page


Herwig FRIEDL: Editorial (text) 223
Kristijan BREZNIK and Vladimir BATAGELJ: FIDE Chess Network (text) 225
Gertraud MALSINER-WALLI and Helga WAGNER: Comparing Spike and Slab Priors for Bayesian Variable Selection (text) 241
Tamás SZABÓ: Test Statistics for Parameter Changes in INAR(p) Models and a Simulation Study (text) 265
Christoph PAMMINGER and Regina TÜCHLER: A Bayesian Analysis of Female Wage Dynamics Using Markov Chain Clustering (text) 281
Daniela GUMPRECHT, Alois HASLINGER, and Alexander KOWARIK: Austrian LFS Monthly Unemployment Rates (text) 297
Book Reviews (text) 315