Austrian Journal of Statistics

Austrian Statistical Society

Volume 39 2010 Number 4

Cover Page


Herwig FRIEDL: Editorial - Redaktionelles (text) 279
Gerlinde DINGES, Martin HAITZMANN und Sabine ZACH: Methodenbericht zur Modellbasierten Datenergänzung in der Leistungs- und Strukturstatistik (text) 281
Christopher BERKA, Stefan HUMER, Manuela LENK, Mathias MOSER, Henrik RECHTA, and Eliane SCHWERER: A Quality Framework for Statistics based on Administrative Data Sources using the Example of the Austrian Census 2011 (text) 299
Uttam BANDYOPADHYAY, Atanu BISWAS, and Dhiman DUTTA: Adaptive Nonparametric Tests for the Generalized Behrens-Fisher Problem (text) 309
M. Masoom ALI, Manisha PAL, and Jungsoo WOO: On the Ratio of two Independent Exponentiated Pareto Variables (text) 329
Teacher's Corner
Czeslaw STEPNIAK: Interesting Properties of Variation Characteristics (text) 341
Book Reviews (text) 349